Regional Gathering: West Coast 2024
The first HUB Regional Gathering: West Coast 2024 was held in Santa Ana, CA on March 4-5, 2024. Our gathering coincided with the opening of the “Creative Community Care: Artists Respond to Pandemic Times” exhibition, which was on display as a pop-up from March 1-5 at the She/They Gallery, a central location on the March 2 Downtown Santa Ana Artwalk (DTSA).
The purpose of our time together was to deepen relationships within the network, invite new learning partners into the community, as well as build capacity through interaction with the exhibition and place-based activities in Santa Ana. Here are some highlights from an intense and meaningful time together…
HUB team with West Coast regional participants
Sharing reflections in pair conversations
Engaging with Olga Lah’s Constellation Project
Deepening connections through conversation
Using images as prompts to reflect on pbb.SANTA ANA
An outing to Northgate Gonzalez Mercado in Costa Mesa!
A chalk image reflection from a day learning about and praying for Santa Ana
Local host Vanessa inviting us to her background for a time of reflection and fellowship
Local host Adriana sharing her story and life with the churches in Santa Ana
Walking, learning, and praying with local host Ritchie in the streets of Santa Ana
Telling our stories through a “doors” activity
Making, thinking, and theological engaging in community
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