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Prophetic Ministerial Leadership and Creative Responses to COVID-19 Challenges in Inner City Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry

Rev. Dr. Hosffman Ospino Boston, MA

2020-21: This is a study that will take the pulse of the impact of COVID-19 on Catholic parishes with Hispanic Ministry in select inner-city contexts throughout the United States. The grant supports this research project on prophetic ministerial leadership and creative responses to COVID-19, and the impact on Hispanic ministry.

2021-22: This renewal grant funds the continuation of the research begun in 2021.

Hosffman’s Grantee Cohort

Congregational and community grants provide support for urban pastors, churches, faith-based community organizations, and theological institutions to share resources, ideas, and practices for life-giving ministry in cities across North America. Typically, we invite those who have not previously had access to resources or grant funding.

Hosffman’s Ministry
Program focus: Pastoral