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The Arts as Transformational Ministry / Together LA

Rev. Michael Mata Los Angeles, CA

2022-23: The purpose of the Arts Transformational Ministry (ATM) project is to strengthen the bonds between the five congregations that comprise Los Angeles First Church of the Nazarene—namely the English-speaking congregation, Spanish-speaking congregation, South Korean and North Korean congregations and Filipino congregation—and thus as “a unified church” enhance its efforts to be a “bridge-builder” with the surrounding diverse community. LA First Church of the Nazarene hosted a talent show for the community during the summer of 2023, including an art exhibition and food trucks! They look forward to hosting another LA First talent show in 2024 with an extension of the grant funds.

2024-25: Led by Michael Mata, the group focuses on fostering an integrated understanding of faith-rooted community transformation, often referred to as “mision integral.” This Affinity Working Group aims to nurture the next generation of Christian Latino leaders involved in community-oriented ministry, whether within congregations or affiliated community organizations such as community development corporations or public benefit organizations. Recognizing a gap in theological and community development training, particularly for the Latinx community, the group addresses the scarcity of role models or mentors capable of bridging both areas for emerging leaders.

Michael’s Grantee Cohort

The Affinity Working Group initiative aims to provide time and space for HUB learning network members to engage in focused ways with others interested in a similar topic and questions around ministry in the city. We anticipate working group members to explore, deepen, and assess their own vocation, urban context, and church life; gain clarity about vital questions and issues in a particular focus area (eg. youth, arts, etc), and learn from group members’ lived experiences and other sources of knowledge and wisdom.

Michael’s Ministry
Program focus: Community